Monday, March 23, 2009

The Best News Of All

Recently the NBC Nightly news announced that they would be doing a special segment called “Making A Difference” The host, Brian Williams, asked people to “send us stories of people who are undertaking either random or regular acts of kindness in this economic downturn because the stories of how Americans are responding to this economy are a big part of the story and helping each other.”

He continued saying “While it may not seem like it every evening, we are always looking for good news around here, especially in this economy. Specifically, here is our request for you: Nominate people who are doing good things where you live or work, perhaps a random or regular act of kindness in this cruel economy.” Within minutes they had heard from hundreds of people, then within hours they heard from thousands.

Stories like the one of the person at the toll bridge who paid the toll for the driver behind them and started a whole chain of drivers paying for one another. Or the person at the check out stand at the grocery store who was handed an envelope before paying with a note that read “Enclosed please find $50.00. If you need it to help pay for your groceries, then please keep it. If not, please pass it on to the next person in line.” The people in line continued to add cash to the envelope until those who needed it were helped.

There was the story of the owner of a manufacturing company whose business is down by more than 50% who, instead of laying off employees, is sending them into the community to do good deeds like fix up a playground or paint the town church.

People do amazing, incredible and kind things every day that make this a better world. During these difficult economic times, those who contribute financially to others are noteworthy. During any time, those who commit time to another person in need or commit an act of kindness to a friend or complete stranger are truly making a difference in the world.

The fact is that when everybody does a little bit, eventually a lot gets done. What we all need to remember is that it does not take a lot of money to make a difference in this world. We just have to remember to do it.

I hope that I will always remember that. I hope that you do too.

Participate. Make a difference. Live a life that matters.


  1. That is exactly what I believe, one cannot help all the needy but if everyone helps one, then maybe that will make a difference.

  2. You make a difference by sharing your journey with all of us.
